If you’re reading this, then you’re likely looking to learn more about us.
This page contains our Our Why, Core Values and our Code of Honor, which will give you a flavor for what’s important to us and who we are as a community.
At The Well, our mission is “to know Jesus and to make Him known.” That means we make disciples of Jesus. We are passionate about equipping disciples to live an empowered, naturally supernatural life so they can bring transformation to their areas of influence throughout our region and beyond! True disciples of Jesus look increasingly like Jesus. They love like Jesus, forgive like Jesus, heal like Jesus, and live like Jesus. They show the world Jesus.
Above all, we are passionate about Jesus and pursuing the presence of God. One encounter with God can change everything. May you encounter the tangible presence of God during your time with us and be forever changed.
Richest blessings,
Steven and Brenda
Senior Leaders

by building up disciples
in love, faith, and good works
and actively equipping and
sending them to change the world -
where they live and breathe -
outside the four walls of the church.
In addition to The Vineyard Core Values, The Well embraces the following core values (described in Kingdom Culture by Dann Farrelly). They are built around the simplicity of the gospel and the love of God for his people. Click on the values to read more about each.
The following code identifies key values for those belonging to The Well family. These values establish a vision for each person, both individually and as a community, to promote growth. As this becomes part of our ethos, it will shape our church and bring greater glory and honor to Jesus.
God is always good all the time. He doesn’t use the devil’s means to get his ends.
God has the ability to turn any situation any way he likes. There is no problem too big for God.
My circumstances do not determine who God is. Jesus is the perfect image of God.
My favor with God is unconditional because it is based on the work of Jesus. I can never be unforgiven or guilty in God’s eyes.
I love, respect, and honor all people, regardless of how they treat me or others.
I will work to empower other people toward their destiny in Jesus. I am not in competition with anyone else.
I refuse to let fear control me, whether from people or demons.
I choose to love others unguardedly.
I will deal with confrontation and conflict as quickly as possible in person with an honoring and teachable posture.